I know it's been forever since I blogged. I would like to say it's because I never, ever have time. That wouldn't be completely true. Mostly I'm busy with Madison, Jordan (the 2 1/2 year old girl I watch Monday through Thursday), and work; but there is some time, I'm just a slacker.
So, instead of trying to catch up on what has happened in the last 4 months, I'll just start fresh, pretend this is a completely new blog I'm doing.
Madison is now over 13 months old and such a big girl already. She's been walking since she was 10 months old, which means she is now running (very quickly) everywhere. Her newest thing though, is talking. She talks so much! Here are some of the words she says regularly:
Of course, Momma, Dadda, and Poppa (sorry Grandma, I know she loves you...she just doesn't call you by name yet)
Cracker (everything that tastes good is a cracker to her)
Cow (that's her new one. She very emphatically says cooow and then moos)
Hat (everything is a hat to her. pants, socks, coats, anything she can get her hands on)
Bottle (baba)
Book (or as she says it bookabookabookabooka as she's bringing me a book to read to her)
Please (which really comes out at as pe or ple while she's signing it)
Bye Bye
Baby (she thinks every child is a baby even kids 2 and 3 times her age)
Socks (she's just started this one)
I'm sure there are other words she says, but this is all I can remember for now.
Here are some other cute things she's doing:
She dances all the time. Any song that comes on, regardless of how short, slow, or fast you'll see Madison bouncing up and down and swaying back and forth. I'm sad to say, she also has started to drop it like it's hot (for lack of a better term). I don't know where she got it from. She's never seen a music video and she's definitely never seen me doing it...she puts her little hands on her knees and gets as low as possible. For now it's funny, but I think eventually Daddy might have to put a stop to her little girl's "dirty dancing."
She has a little car that she rides around. It has a seat that lifts up to put things in. Most of the time, she'll put her babies into the car, head first and legs hanging out, and push them around. It's so cute!
She also kisses every stuffed animal, baby, and picture book she can find! She makes the kissing noise with her tongue and puts the victim up to her face to slobber on. I love it. Now if only I could get her to regularly kiss me!!!
So, since I wrote a small novel...I will try to remember to keep this updated!!!