Monday, January 19, 2009

The Most Relaxing Day

The day started off as usual - wake up at 7:30, make a bottle, pee quickly, and rush into the room of a now wide-eyed baby girl.

For some reason, the morning's tasks went by effortlessly. No real crying or spitting up to speak of. Maddie played by herself for the most part, happy as a clam. I made my strong pot of coffee (thank God for Starbucks, I don't think I'd survive without it) then it was off to give Maddie a bath. Daddy helped out, taking off her clothes and diaper while I got the bath ready.

Maddie, all clean now, and I read a book and a half. She's learned how to shut the book now, so instead of crying and squirming to let me know she's had enough, she just closes the book repeatedly till I get the hint.

While all of the morning's activities were going on, a beautiful day was making it's appearance. After I put Maddie down for her first nap, I decided to take a page from Julie Hylland's book.

So, now I sit with coffee cup, Bible, and paper and pen in hand, on my deck, looking at God's beautiful creation. As the fog rolls off the lake and the sun shines through, I'm thanking my lucky stars I've been so blessed. I've just had the most relaxing morning in almost 4 and a half months.

So, I say in good old Mexicali fashion - Dios les bendiga!

The Grass is Always Greener...January 9

So, I have to apologize in advance for the long blog that's about to come out. I wrote this over a week ago...and completely forgot to post it!

It's already been four months...Most days I can't believe it. Time has flown and my baby is no longer a newborn! Maddie isn't that small baby she used to be. She smiles more often, rolls over constantly, and has even started on the basics of what may very soon become crawling!

This morning I was just feeling sorry for myself. I keep thinking, "Poor me, always at someone else's beck and call. What was it like when I only had myself to worry about?" My thoughts continued to grow from there, "Mike's so lucky he gets to come home and relax, only taking on some of the responsibilities of Madison's needs."

But this afternoon, at exactly 11:45, I remembered why I'm so lucky! I walked into Maddie's room (after her 2 hour nap, woo-hoo) with a smile on my face! Laying in her crib, face down (I can't hardly set her down before she's flipped over) was the cutest baby I'd ever seen! I couldn't help grinning from ear to ear. I picked her up and she nuzzled up against me, I walked to the living room to feed her. God has blessed Mike and I with this precious child! She depends on me to feed her and keep her warm. This child who I love so much will no longer feel like a job (at least I hope not).

I have been given the most important job in the world, and if my job description includes losing my brain and doing the not so fun tasks like changing a stinky diaper or trying (and I mean trying) to keep the house clean, or always wearing spit-up-laden clothes, I will do it with Joy. I will do it proudly, and I will be thankful God has blessed me with a family I love very much I will no longer look at everyone else's grass thinking theirs is greener.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Out of Touch

For the time being, due to financial reasons (mainly the fact that we now have a child, I'm not working at a job that pays me money (motherhood is full time and then some), and it's Mike's slow season) we got rid of our cable and internet!

Coming from someone who is staying home full time, losing those two connections to reality has been tough! I miss my favorite shows for now; although I have to say it's nice to leave the house behind for a bit to watch my guilty pleasure, The Bachelor, at Kendra's house! I guess in the near future I will have to rent the shows I'm missing! The only positive: I have no idea the woes of the world. I don't have to hear about unemployment rising, people losing homes left and right, and the economy and country in just poor form. Sorry, off on a tangent...

Please keep in touch with me and be patient for me to answer. When I need my internet fix, I just head over to Kendra's house; THANK YOU KENDRA! But, like I said...please keep in touch with me! I'm on the verge of insanity most days due to lack of adult contact so I would love to hear what's going on in your lives.