For the two of you who actually read my blog...are you still there? I just looked and realized I haven't blogged in almost four months.
So, in an effor to catch up:
At less than three months Maddie was rolling over. To my dismay I couldn't put her down to sleep on her back without a minute or two passing by before she rolled onto her stomach. I learned quickly to place her on her stomach to avoid the hassle of crying and fussing.
At around four months Maddie was getting on all fours and "rocking." I was surpised it took her as long as it did to crawl.
Right around six months she was finally crawling. I say finally with excitement and sorrow. Gone are the days where I left her on the floor to play while I ran around the house picking up and/or doing anything else.
On March 17th, Maddie got her first tooth. Of course she'd have to do it on vacation. How else could she make life interesting. After walking around the vacation home for a day with my relatives saying how happy she is; Maddie reared her cranky little head and all hell broke loose. Her toothe broke and I was thanking God that there was finally a reason for the happiest baby in the world (or so she seems to me) to be so cranky. I don't know how all the moms with colichy or cranky babies survived!!!!
Now I'm back home without cousins or aunts and uncles to entertain the baby, and I'm afraid another tooth is breaking through. Please...make the madness stop!!!
Halloween 2013
11 years ago
Yes! She's back! Bring her here and I'll take her off your hands for a bit! :) Now keep em coming sista!